Save Our War Memorial Park

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See Water Re-Cycling Plans Below.

Stone Battered Housing For Submerged Recycling Pump.
Sump housing for submerged recycling pump

The Peace Fountain was up and running via re-cycled water for the first time on VJ Day 15.8.20.
It was powered by two car batteries and a power inverter supplying 230V.
A submerged water pump used a plastic drum reservoir to supply the Fountain and receive water from the fountains dish.
The two required pipes were placed above ground.

Left: The Stone lined reservoir for the re-cycling pump.
Water lost to splash and evaporation is topped up by a small pump submerged in the Sunken Fernery's waterway. The small pump also recycles water through the Fernery's Stone Pile Fountain and the Semi-Sunken Garden's Rockery Fountan.

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